
Posts Tagged ‘memorial day picnic’

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America. Over two dozen cities and towns claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day. While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it’s difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day.

Regardless of the exact date or location of its origins, one thing is clear – Memorial Day was borne out of the Civil War and a desire to honor our dead. We also celebrate the beginning of summer. We tend to have nice weather (we hope!) so we can enjoy the outdoors while honoring those whose lives were lost.

Here are some red, white and blue ideas to celebrate the day and make it special:

The checkered cloth tablecloth and cloth napkins are a classic for Memorial Day. It’s bright and bold colors of red and blue checkered are patriotic, classy and fun.  They are also popular for July 4th, summer parties, picnics, weddings etc.



The Galaxy Vinyl Tablecloths are great for summer parties as well. Easy to wipe clean and loads of colors to choose from this makes a great outdoor tablecloth.

Royal blue vinyl tablelcoth

Still some time to make a decoration or two! I loved this cupcake liner wreath idea from the Gunny Sack. Check out her tutorial of how its done http://www.thegunnysack.com/2014/05/patriotic-cupcake-liner-wreath.html


I also loved the Flip Flop wreath from mamadanddaboyz.com. It’s amazing how many inexpensive items you can find to create beautiful, creative designs.


Let us know if you have any good ideas-we would love to hear from you! Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

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Spring is upon us and with it comes some beautiful weather. The sun is shining, and flowers are beginning to bloom. What a great reason to spend time outdoors with family and friends. It’s so nice out that we don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing lunch and dinner.

A great way to have your fun outdoors and eat there too is to have a picnic. One can have a romantic picnic for two, a family lunch or dinner, or a get together with family or friends. It can be taking time out from a trip to stop and eat or purposely creating a picnic outing.

picnic tablecloth

Whether spending time as a couple or having a large outdoor gathering, one thing is for sure: food is needed! Some people prefer to bring along readymade foods. This way, there is less food preparation and more outdoor enjoyment.  Classic picnic foods are cold cuts or cold chicken, sandwiches, tuna and egg salad, peanut butter and jelly and potato salads. For others, a barbecue is a great way to have a quick warm meal outdoors.  Watermelon and fresh fruit are great and refreshing desserts in both cases! Mouth watering! It’s time to spread out your picnic tablecloth and dig in.

checked cloth tablecloth

It’s very common to see red and white checkered tablecloth, also known as gingham tablecloths used for picnics today. Care to know why? In the days of the early settlers in the American Midwest, the women would flag down the men riding horses with red and white checkered tablecloths to indicate that it was time for the customary communal meal. The waving of a tablecloth – typical red and white checked – announced that dinner was served.

picnic fruit

Wines are made in white, red and rosé versions. In Italy, the white and red checkered tablecloth were used to symbolize the color of the red and white wines. The rosé wine bears resemblance of roses that were placed in the center of the table to enhance the decor.
wine on checkered tablecloth

During World War Two there was a shortage of fabrics worldwide. Women had to make do with whatever material was available to them. Women cut patterns out of the red and white checkered table cloths and used them to make stylish dresses for themselves.

While you are mulling over these interesting tidbits pack up some food, a tablecloth, call some friends and family and head outdoors to enjoy these beautiful days. Send us a photo of your picnic table and we’ll be glad to post it here.

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